Title: Suffering Author: Charles (jcrewguy@gmail.com) Pairing: God/Metatron Summary: It was all that bloody suck-up Gabriel's fault. Rating: PG Disclaimer: God and Metatron (in this case), belong to Kevin Smith. No copyright infringement is intended or inferred. Notes: Thanks to Lek for the quick read through. ============================================================================================================== It was all that bloody suck-up Gabriel's fault. He had to go and mention that *he* was getting something for God this Christmas. No reason, just that he felt like it. Metatron stewed as he paced in his chambers. What could one possibly get for the Creator of everything? For a person who could have anything they could ever want? He knew that God would make Gabriel feel more special than usual, and the following Christmas, all the rest of the heavenly host would come up with gifts for God. And then Metatron would have to stand there and watch and listen as God made each of them feel that much more loved and special. It would be nothing but suffering, putting up with Gabriel and the others for the three hundred and sixty four days until the next Christmas. All the fawning over Gabriel that would go on. As if he was the first one to think of giving a gift to the person to give him life. Humans had holidays for that. Angels... they were normally above such nonsense. What was next, trick or treating when Halloween came around? It was all a waste of time. Ridiculous. He wondered if the Voice of God could come down with a sudden case of laryngitis on Christmas morning. Perhaps he could take ill in some other fashion that would keep him bedridden for the rest of the day. It was a pity he couldn't get a hangover any more -- that would have made for a lovely excuse to stay in bed. He didn't want to admit it, but Metatron wished he'd come up with the idea first.