Title: Accident Author: Jade Rating: Somewhere between PG and PG-13. Feedback/E-mail: jade27_al@yahoo.com Pairing: J/SB, who else? Sequel: Part 2 of Accident Disclaimer: Kevin owns Jay, and Kevin owns Bob. In fact, I think Kevin owns me as well. So I guess that means every thing I own belongs to Kevin too. So that means if he *did* sue me, he'd just be suing himself. Neato! Distribution: Sure, just let me know Archive: Yeah Notes: Please forgive me for this. My muse loves abusing Bob and making Jay cry. This was to avoid a worse fate for Bob (yes, there was one..). There will be more, including a happy, probably smutless ending. Ah well. My muse has been good, letting me write smut recently. I'll be good for now. ------------------------------------------------------- Pain. That was the first thing Bob felt as he fluttered his eyes opened. And lots of it. Next thing he noticed, hospital. It slowly came back to him. Crossing the street, some pissed off mother fucker swerving to hit him. Then pain, then... Then what? Did he pass out right there? Must have. Wait.. something else. Jay. Jay talking to him. He only remembered very little bits and pieces. Hi Lunchbox.. random babbling.. Night Lunchbox... love you. Love you? Bob groaned and turned his head slightly. His vision was shit, but he could see Jay sitting in a chair down at the foot of his bed, leaning over on the bed sleeping. At least it looked like Jay. Only one way to find out. "Jay..." Bob croaked to the figure laying at the end of his bed. The figure snorted and sat up slowly, then snapped up. "Holy shit! You're awake! Hey! He's awake!" He yelled out the hall, then rolled the chair up to the head of the bed. Yep, it was Jay. "Shit Lunchbox! I didn't think yous was ever gonna wake up! Do you know how long I've been here? Shit man, the regulars are gonna think we both fucking died. But I don't give a fuck about them, I'm just glad you're alright. You've been out for two weeks! The fucking nurses tried to drag me away but I fucking went like.." He stopped and sighed, dropping the macho bullshit. "They let me stay because I was crying so hard they felt sorry for me. I've been sitting in here every day and night, talking to you and... Shit, you're all I've got Lunchbox." Bob blinked a few times. It hurt. But his vision slowly cleared and he could look at Jay, actually look at him rather than towards him. He was a mess. Eyes were red and bloodshot, face was pale his hair was.. well.. it had seen better days. And he wasn't smelling thast great either. "Bitch.. you could have at least gone home and taken a shower.." Bob croaked out. More pain. Let's stop talking now. You're talking too much as it is. Jay just laughed, mostly out of relief, and threw his arms around Bob. More pain. But Bob didn't say anything. "God I missed you, you tubby bitch. I love you." There it was again. I love you. When did this happen? Bob just sighed and let his friend hold him. It was nice being held, even if it hurt. And it did. He'd never been in more pain in his life. Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of fucking morphine IV or something? Oh well. At least Jay was here. But Jay shouldn't be here. Jay should be home. Jay should go eat. Jay should take a shower. Jay... ...had fallen asleep using him as a pillow. Bob sighed heavily and laid his head back against his pillows. He wondered how long the blonde would be laying on him. "Forever?" A small voice in the back of his head said hopefully. What the fuck? Shit. The voice was right. He wanted Jay to stay right there forever. Because he loved Jay. He loved Jay? The hell? .. Yeah.. he loved Jay. Jay was the best. Sure he was a loudmouthed fuck and there's a better than good chance Bob was here because of some fuck that Jay had pissed off, but it didn't matter. He loved Jay, Jay loved him, and for once in his fucked up life, Bob was completely happy. -------------------------------------------------------