Title: Connections Author: DeadGrrl Fandom: Askewniverese Pairing: Jay / Silent Bob Rating: NC-17 Status: New Archive: E-me for permission. E-mail address for feedback: deadgrrl2@yahoo.com Part 3 Vitto frowned at Clash. "If that's how you're gonna kiss him how do you expect him to come home with us? Honestly, Clash. Here." Vitto handed off the drinks to Clash. "Now if you're gonna seduce boys to take home, you ought to do it right." Jay felt his mouth go dry. Oh, fuck, he thought absently as Vitto's arm slide around his waist. Jay's mouth fell open, about to interject that this was a bad idea, when Vitto's mouth was suddenly on his. The kiss was slightly aggressive and Vitto's tongue gently pushed into his mouth. Jay felt his eyes flicker closed as Vitto's mouth continued to move against his. I don't fuckin' believe this, Jay thought absently. A moment later the mouth was suddenly gone as if someone had forcibly removed Vitto. Bob started to push back through the crowd. As he reached a less dense area he scanned the crowded backroom for Jay. When he saw Jay he almost dropped the drinks. Jay was up against a wall having his tonsils examined by Vitto... the Cop. Bob's very first gut reaction had been... jealousy. That gave Bob a split second of pause. He pushed those thoughts immediately out of the way. His feelings weren't really as important as the fact that Jay was carrying about a kilo of weed in his inner coat pocket, enough to insure some jail time. Placing the drinks on a table that he was passing Bob quickly thought of his options. Discarding most of them as too risky or bound to get them arrested anyway he took the only option he could come up with on such short notice. Pulling Vitto away from Jay, Bob pulled Jay to him. He looked Jay in the eyes then kissed him hard on the mouth. Jay blinked, struck dumb by the fact that Bob had his arms around him, a hand firmly grasping his ass. Not to mention that Bob was kissing him. Jay's eyes slid closed as Bob's lips continued to press his. As Bob's tongue swept into his mouth he gave a low moan and pulled Bob closer to him by the lapels of his jacket. Bob pushed Jay against the wall and continued to devour his mouth. A few long moments passed as they kissed. Jay completely forgot everything going on around them. He pulled Bob closer still and wrapped his arms around Bob's neck. Breaking apart for a moment Jay's eyes opened. He was looking at Bob, who was panting slightly. Jay's own breath was coming in gasps. They looked at each other as Jay leaned his forehead against Bob's. "Hi..." Jay said shyly as he looked into Bob's eyes. Bob replied with a wink. Jay gave a tentative smile in return. Bob smiled back and lightly kissed Jay's lips again. "Hey, how about we get out of here?" Jay asked quietly. Bob nodded, took Jay's hand and pulled him away from the two other men and out of the bar. "What was that about?" Vitto asked Clash. Clash smiled as he placed his arm around his boyfriend's waist. "'Wuv, true wuv.' I think." Vitto grinned back at Clash. "Well, whatever. I'm glad they left." "Oh?" "Yeah, I really would have hated to bust the kid for whatever he was carrying in his front jacket pocket." "You're kidding." "I am not. He was carrying, I could feel it when I was up against him." "Really... " Clash pondered this for a moment and pulled Vitto into a tight embrace. "Can you tell what I'm carrying?" he asked mischief in his eyes. "Oh yeah, I know what you're carrying, baby." Vitto responded in a low growl as he kissed his lover and spent a long moment 'patting' him down. Outside of the bar Bob gave a deep sigh of relief. He continued to pull Jay away from the establishment and down the street, hands still entwined. Bob stopped, grabbed a cigarette out of his pocket and let go of Jay's hand in order to light it. Jay stood next to Bob, leaning into him. Bob offered him the cigarette and Jay took a puff. They stood under a streetlight for a moment as Silent Bob took a deep drag and tried to calm down, Jay still standing beside him. Bob looked away from Jay, trying to control his emotions. It wasn't working. Bob looked at Jay who had a bemused smile on his face. "You are going to be the death of me yet." Bob told Jay in a deceptively calm voice. Jay smiled, looked down at his feet and asked "Oh?" Bob closed his eyes and counted to ten. "Do you have any idea who you were sucking face with?" Opening his eyes he saw Jay's confused look. "No, should I have?" "A cop, Jay. You were kissing a vice squad cop. I saw you over there, and I just about had a heart attack. What the fuck were you doing?" Bob's voice remained surprisingly calm, however the hand holding his cigarette gestured a little more violently with every word. "A cop." Jay's face took on a blank expression. "So that's why you... I get it. All in the line of duty, and shit. Well, fuck... Thanks Lunchbox. I appreciate it." Jay concluded. As he finished his sentence he felt all of his walls shifting back into place. This wasn't going to be a problem; he could deal with it. Bob closed his eyes again and counted to twenty this time. Looking at Jay he saw that his friend was trying very hard not to let any of his emotions show. Jay was doing a good job, except for that hurt look in his eyes. Sighing to himself, Bob wondered why it could never be easy. "You are the most difficult prick on the face of the planet..." Bob started, tossed away his smoke and pulled Jay into an embrace. As his lips met Jay's he felt the blond's resolve to remain unmoved begin to waiver. A few moments more had Jay kissing him back, his arms wrapping around Bob's shoulders, eyes closed. Bob's hand cupped Jay's face. "Jay?" Jay kept his eyes tightly shut and responded with a breathy "Yeah?" Jay was shaking, he knew he was shaking, and that was very uncool. Shut up and kiss me goddamn it, he thought to himself. If he was going to lose their friendship he at least wanted this moment to remember, the feel of Bob's arms around him, his lips... Only Silent Bob had chosen this exact moment to become a chatty motherfucker. "Look at me, Jay." Jay's eyes opened and he was looking down into the gentle smiling face of Silent Bob. He focused on Bob's eyes and suddenly felt as if the world had dropped out from beneath his feet. He couldn't read the expression that Bob was giving him. It looked slightly familiar, Jay thought that he had caught a glimpse of it on other occasions but wasn't willing to commit on that verdict. He let go of Bob, ready to back off. Bob continued to stare at Jay for a few long moments, watching his face as Jay worked through exactly was happening, and exactly where it was going. Jay was scared, turn-and-bolt kind of scared. Bob's hand caressed Jay's face as he waited. He watched Jay pass through every emotional state possible from shock to fear, disbelief to elation, doubt to wonder. It all passed across Jay's face in those few moments. Where Jay ended up was going to determine what happened next. Jay's expression paused on somewhere between 'amazement' and 'anticipation'. It hovered there and finally took roost. He wet his lips as he continued to stare at Silent Bob, for the first time in his life unable to put words to what he was thinking. Bob leaned into Jay and asked softly, "Are you ready?" Jay released his breath in a shudder, unaware that he had been holding it. He wrapped his arms around Bob's shoulders as he tucked his face into Bob's neck, behind long dark hair. Whispering, as if it were a secret, Jay responded "Yes, yes, ready. Really ready. You waited. You waited longer that you should have had to. I'm sorry, Bob... ten years... Yes, yes... I'm ready... finally... Yes." Jay was shaking again, but it was a good kind of shaking. Like he could barely control how much he wanted to be exactly where his was, and how much he wanted Bob to know that he was happy to be where he was. Bob's arms held him tightly as Jay kept his face in the dark strands of hair, breathing in the scent of Bob and trying to figure out why the fuck he felt like crying. Bob stroked his hands down Jay's back as he smiled at the apology. Ten years wasn't so long. He'd have waited another ten, and possibly twenty, to have Jay, and have Jay be sure. In his head, Bob figured they were actually ahead of schedule. No complaints from him. He was happy that Jay was ready and that he was sure he was ready. Everything was about to change for the most wonderful of reasons... But right now there was this moment. Bob was thinking of how fondly he would recall it to friends, to himself when he would think about when they finally made this connection, and most importantly to Jay, years from now when they would look back on a life together. He rested his cheek against the fair head on his shoulder. Jay sighed into his neck. Bob whispered into Jay's hair, "Sweetheart, let's go home." This gave Jay pause. The automatic caustic comment that normally would be spewed out at such a term of endearment was strangely absent. Instead his face was flushed, the term 'sweetheart' having caused him to blush. No one had ever called him that. But he liked it, or more appropriately he liked that Bob had been the one to say it to him. It had been worth the wait. He nodded and slipped out of Bob's embrace. Bob watched the still slightly stunned Jay as he took his hand and they walked to the bus stop. Bob couldn't help but smile at the look of disbelief on Jay's face. Jay would look at Bob, give him a sheepish smile and look away. As they stood waiting for their bus Jay leaned into Bob, not speaking, just smiling. He'd lean forward and kiss Bob's lips quickly every now and then, touch his forehead to Bob's and just smile. Jay would then glance off into the distance and give a little snort of disbelief, shaking his head and then repeat the proceedings. As others gathered at the bus stop Jay continued to hold Bob's hand, still smiling, still silent. When someone approached them for a light Bob released Jay's hand to dig his lighter out of his coat pocket. Bob then lit a cigarette of his own and hung it from his mouth. As soon as he put back his lighter Jay was holding his hand again, warm palm squeezing his gently. Bob smiled in amusement. Jay wiggled his eyebrows at Bob and winked. Bob chuckled out loud at this. Jay was obviously overcoming his shock and any moment now his mouth was going to kick in. Bob grinned, then thought what all this was going to do for his reputation of being a bad ass. Schooling his expression into a frown Bob attempted to look dangerous. He took a drag off his cigarette. Jay leaned over and conveyed in his normal low conversational tone, "Dude, we are sooo gay." Bob exhaled his smoke with a burst of coughing, caught off guard by the comment. Tears came to his eyes as he conceded to the comment with a nod. "I dunno about you, but I don't feel any different. Maybe I will after we fuck. We *are* going to fuck aren't we? I mean none of this 'I love you but I respect you too much to throw you a bone' bullshit, right?" Jay asked as he let go of Bob's hand and slapped him on the back in an attempt to end the coughing fit. Bob nodded at Jay's question and looked into his eyes. "And another thing, I ain't gonna go for that separate rooms shit either. And you ain't gonna refer to me as 'the roommate'. I can't stand that shit. If you're gonna fuck me, you're gonna have to sleep with me. I don't wanna be getting down and then be sent back to my room. That ain't fucking right." Jay paused as one of the other patrons waiting stared at them. "What the fuck are you looking at? Piss off or I'll dick slap you into next week, nootch." Bob watched Jay in amazement. Jay was handling this much better then Bob expected him to. It was almost disappointing, except that Bob was enjoying it far too much to be disappointed. Bob tossed off his smoke, suspecting that he was safer not inhaling anything while Jay was on a roll. "Oh, and we need to stop and get some lube. I'm out and I know you ain't been with anybody for-fucking-ever. You weren't pining for me and shit, were you? I sure fucking hope not. I got enough of a guilt complex about the last ten years to be taking it up the ass for at least a month. Cripes, add emotional distress and at this rate I get to slide you the bone hopefully by the time I'm thirty. And for godsakes, will you breathe? Shit, if I gotta give you mouth-to-mouth right here on the street corner this slut over here is liable to pass out in an orgasmic fit. Back off sister, he's taken." Jay called to the young woman waiting with them. Bob covered his face with his hand, shaking in silent laughter. "I don't like how that chick's looking at you. I better kiss you to make sure she knows you're all about the bone." Jay casually mentioned to Bob before he pulled him into an embrace and kissed him firmly. As Jay's tongue dived into his mouth Bob found himself reiterating his previous thought. Jay was handling this very nicely, indeed. "Now that's what it's about. Christ, where did you learn to kiss like that? Never mind, I probably don't want to know. And next time could you actually hold me? I know you're obsessed with wearing that damn coat, but if you don't get your fuckin' hands out of your pockets I'm gonna torch that mother. Granted you look like a sexy thug, but you can be a sexy thug with your hands on your boyfriend's ass just as well. Don't give me that look. You know I'm hot for you in that coat. Oh fuck you, why do you think I bought it for you? Fuck, we didn't make rent that month, but you had a new coat. What part of this did you miss? Honest to God, I was just happy to get that skanky leather trench out of the apartment. Jesus, made you look like a reject from a fuckin' John Hughes movie. Judd Nelson couldn't have made that coat look good, not even on his harshest day." Jay's voice carried on as Bob interjected his opinions with some well-placed facial expressions. "I know, I know, you worship him. Hey, you ain't got some crush here that I need to know about, do you? Good, cause I ain't about to dye my hair black and fall out of a ceiling for your ass, no matter how much booty I'm gonna get for it." Bob sighed and looked heavenward; thinking sometimes you should be careful what you wish for... And how sometimes you get exactly what you want, need and wished for and it can't get any better. Bob smiled at the thought. "And another thing, I don't care if you call me your 'boyfriend' or 'lover' or 'significant other' or 'squeaky toy of love'. But if you *ever* introduce me as a 'friend' I'll cut you off for a month." Jay paused as he noticed the approaching bus. Nodding to it's arrival he told Bob, "Come on, I'll let you sit next to me on the bus. If you're nice I'll let you hold my hand and maybe kiss me on the cheek when you take me home." he smirked. Bob raised his eyebrows at this proposal and nodded. Jay leaned forward and kissed him quickly as he took Bob's hand and led him to the bus. End Part 3