Title: Florence Author: Jade Pairing: Jay/Florence (OC), J/SB Rating: This part.. eh.. PG-13 for cussing and whatnnot. Archive: Yep. Feedback: jade27_al@yahoo.com Disclaimer: I own nothing.. except Florence. She's mine. Kevin owns everything else. Notes: I think I'll blame Smashmouth for this one. Damn them. ------------------------------------------------------- *** After that short, cryptic conversation with Bob, I spend the next week trying to get something out of Jay. I don't know why it bothered me so much. I shouldn't have bothered me. Shit happens between people all the time. I asked him a few times what went down with Bob, but all he'd say was, "He just started being a real bitch, ya know? And why do you care anyway? Not like he's my boyfriend or nuthin." Then he'd get up and storm off to the bedroom. And I swear I'd hear him crying. The one time a tried to go in and comfort him, he just yelled at me and shoved me out of the room, then locked the door. Not all night or anything, just a for a few hours. One night we actually got into a screaming match about it. Well.. Jay was screaming. I've never seen him that upset. You don't get that upset over nothing. Something went down. I had to find out what. If I can figure it out, maybe things can get patched up and he'll stop saying Bob. The man's a good lay and shit, but it's a slight blow to the ego, you know? So when he left the next morning for "work," I jumped on the phone. Same drill as last time. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Answering machine. "Bob, it's Florence. Pick up. Please?" Click. "I thought I told you not to call." "What happened?" "...what?" "Between you and Jay. I know something happened. He won't tell me." "Good. It's none of your fucking business anyway." "It is when the fucker starts screaming and crying when I ask about you." ".. he cries?" "Yeah." "Shit. Fine." He sighed. "You smoke?" "Uh huh." "Might want a pack handy. It's a long story."