Title: Florence Author: Jade Pairing: Jay/Florence (OC), J/SB Rating: Hmm.. this part... PG-13 for Jay and Flo cussing and shit like that there Archive: Yep. Feedback: jade27_al@yahoo.com Disclaimer: I own nothing.. except Florence. She's mine. Kevin owns everything else. Notes: I think I'll blame Smashmouth for this one. Damn them. *** "Baby?" I blinked and looked to my right. Jay was staring at me, looking kinda worried. "You alright? You've been kinda weird these last few days." "Hmm? Have I?" Damn straight I have. I've been trying to figure shit out. On one hand, I love Jay. I want to keep him. On the other hand, I love Jay. I want him to be happy. I just don't know. I know they always say if you love something, you should set it free, and if it love you, it will come back. But I'm afraid Jay won't come back. He's the first good thing to happen to me. God, don't I sound all melodramatic. "Yo, Flo.." Jay snapped his fingers in front of me, making me jump. "Snap out of it man. You've been spacing out like that for the past week. It's weird." "Sorry." I smiled. "I.. I just have some shit on my mind." "Like what?" Like what?! Shit.. he actually asked?! Fuck. Me. I'm not that talented of a liar.. "Uhm.. Bob?" "Motherfuckin' don't start that shit again. I'm fuckin' tired of hearing about Bob! Maybe you should be fucking Bob instead of me, since you're so fucking in love with that fat piece of shit." "Well one of us should be." I countered, immediately regretting the words. Jay narrowed his eyes. He didn't say anything, for fear of telling me something he didn't want anyone to know. He just got up and looked me right in the eyes. "Drop it. Got it?" He glared at me. I sighed and dropped my head into my hands. "Whatever. Why are you so fuckin' uptight about it? Huh? You said it yourself. It's not like he's your fuckin' boyfriend or nothin'." "Then why the fuck are you so obsessed about it!? I already told you! Just fuckin' drop it and maybe we can get on with our lives. Shit!" "Well maybe I wouldn't be so fuckin' obsessed if you would say *my* motherfuckin' name you little bitch! You ever hear yourself? Motherfuckin' SHIT! I'm fucking tired of it Jay! If you weren't so fuckin' hung up on Bob, so much so that you feel compelled to scream his God damned name during sex, then maybe I wouldn't give a fuck about this!" I yelled at him. "I don.. FUCK YOU!" Jay screamed right back, then, as per usual, stormed of to the bedroom like a 4 year old to pout. "No you don't!" I yelled after him. "YOU FUCK BOB!" At this point, Jay came back out of the room and grabbed me by the shirt. "Motherfucker, you touch me and I swear I will scream rape!" I threatened. "Get the fuck out." "Gladly, you asshole." I yanked my shirt free, then grabbed my coat and left.