Title: Kel, This Is All Your Fault Author: Joy (marcyleecorgan@yahoo.com) Disclaimer: Oh so not mine. Kevin Smith owns the boys, and Kel must take credit for the Christmas Bat. Notes: Haven't read the tale? http://www.livejournal.com/users/nematoddity/162871.html Archive: Sure, why not? I wanted my debut to be a little more than a couple of paragraphs, but this made Kel so happy I'm obligated. ;) *** Jay shredded the packaging on his present, causing Bob to sigh inwardly. It had taken the better part of an hour to perfectly fit the metallic paper to the corners and fix each piece of tape exactly. And Jay had just ripped it to bits, crumpling it up in a ball and tossing it aside. "What... is... *this*?" Jay in an astonished tone, holding up a small, dangly Christmas ornament above his head, watching it twirl. Bob shrugged, as if to mean the gift was meaningless, when in fact, it was a very close thing to his heart. "It's the Christmas Bat." "..." Bob tried to hold very still, lest he launch himself into his bedroom and not come out for a long, long time. "The *fuck* is a *Christmas Bat*?" So maybe holiday traditions had to be made, not born. Bob settled himself deeply into the couch and began. "Okay. This is how it goes..."