Title: Knuckle Down Author: starlastumbleine (starlastumbleine@yahoo.com) Fandom: Viewaskewniverse Rating: R Pairing: Jay/Silent Bob Disclaimer: I own nothing in this 'verse, including Jay or Bob. Am not profiting. Summary: Jay comes home late at night, boiling over with purpose. xxxxxx Jay saw green plastic wrap. Green plastic on the seat in front of him hugged tight over foam, sitting on metal. Four lonely seats up was a stranger and then four more and the driver. Jay's teeth dug into the skin of his fingers as he bit on them, keeping all his words inside. Dull lights flickered in the bus and dark night drove on all around them. One stop from home. Pinches and purple marks where his uneven teeth had clenched each finger, the palm, the top of the hand. Before the marks lightened to pink he stuck a knuckle into the side of his mouth and clamped down with his molars. Two blocks from home. Jay couldn't draw blood from the side of his hand, jacket sleeve now rolled back, sputtering curses and huffing and whining in the back of his throat. He jerked the sleeve down and hugged his arms tightly to his chest. He kept his eyes on the sidewalk, marching along, three buildings from home. He fisted his hands in the material of the jacket, palms sweating and jaw aching, waiting for Silent Bob, his roommate and friend, to answer their doorbell. His mouth was dry now and slightly coppery- tasting, hmmm-ing a nothing, not a word or tune, just a noise and Bob's heavy footfalls vibrated towards the door. When he creaked it open, Bob stood aside, bleary-eyed, half his hair sticking up, his face slack with unconcern and even loathing. Jay waited until the door was locked and the lights again turned out to sock the big fucker in his meaty face. Bob made a sort of "whumpf" when it happened and stumbled against the wall. Admittedly, Jay hadn't taken *every* measure to assure he wouldn't do something stupid when he got back. Jay's victim pawed for support from the wall, trying and failing not to bump a framed poster off its nail. The surprise was mostly what sent him back, skidding a bit with no socks. It wasn't the hardest he'd ever been thrown but it did smart like a motherfucker. "What the fuck" was half-way off the Bob's tongue when Jay stepped forward, one booted foot carelessly stepping into his sprawl, and curved a hand over both of the man's shoulders, gripping tight; pinning. With great confidence for this this situation, in this relentless dark, Jay pressed his open mouth to Bob's and tasted his way around quite quickly. His lips met resistance and Bob was pushing him back, struggling still to stand up, a snarl starting behind his own molars. "I don't ever want to see another woman in this house again. I don't ever want to see you go through that crap again." "God," Bob hissed, "you're fucking gone." "I'm sober. I'm telling you not ta ever bring another chick back here. I've decided you can't do that." Silent Bob was a much larger man. Silent Bob's fists would pack more force than Jay's ever would. Silent Bob was now as lost for words as ever. There was no booze on Jay's breath. There was all surety in Jay's stance, he could see, even by the feeble adjustments his eyes had thus made in the dark. He was serious. He was here to make his claim. "And what about you?" Bob finally asked, sliding up the wall, straightening. He could feel warm wet fingers in his hair, spit slick on the back of his neck, which only did horrible things to his... instincts. "I want you. I don't need to shop around anymore. I'm tired of it anyway." Jay moved in close, now, one hand on the wall, sliding up, body pressing into Bob's. No trembling, no softness, it was as if his body had just closed over the other. Clasped onto the other. Breath on his neck now. Jay's nose and mouth pressed against Bob's neck. "An-- ah. And do I have any say in this?" Jay only sighed and slumped now into Bob, against the wall, kissing anything now. If Bob would only let hand curve over hip right- just *right* there... "Why bother? I'll punch you as many times it takes." .end. i can't explain