Title: Legend Of The Glowing Kitten Author: Luna "Tic" Vee Rating: PG-13 Fandom: You know, that one, with those guys, and the stuff... Pairing: Oh, gee, take a guess. Warnings: Glowing Kitten, onomatopoeia, doom, some nasty murder-related Jaybrain imagery, Skirt!Bob, Sexy!Bob, Ponytail?Bob, Romantic!Bob, Wussy!Jay, and, of course, an abbrupt ending. Archive: J&SB Slash List Archive, otherwise, ask first. Summary: Jay comes home. Jay gets scared. Jay gets lucky. Notes: I borrowed Thermos in a nameless cameo. Sorry, starla! *** Click. Skreeeeeeeee... The loud creaking of the door echoed through the darkness, reminding Jay that he should oil the hinges. Yeah, right. He blinked a few times, chocolate eyes practically glowing gold in the darkness. Only a few glimmering strands of light from the full moon penetrated the doomy black, dancing upon the outline of the sleeping kitten atop the couch, making the little feline seem to glow. Everything was still. Everything was silent. Everything was frightening the hell out of the blond, who had never seen the apartment that still. The only sounds he could hear were the soft breaths from the afforementioned glowing kitten. "Lunchbox?" His voice was meek and quiet. ...Nothing... Fear clenched around Jay's heart with a big shiny vice, crushing it and making his whole chest feel like it was caving in. He lost his breath for a moment as he crept through the darkness, eyes darting to and fro. Any thoughts regarding turning on the lights were quickly ejected by his brain. "Bob?" Where could he be? The car was there, and it was too cold out to walk, and besides, Bob never left without letting Jay know somehow. No note on the door or anything... What if something happened to him? What if someone came in and murdered him while he was showering, and his blood was congealing in the bathtub? What if? What if? What if? Jay was ripped from his frenzied thoughts as he heard an odd sound from the bedroom. A low sound, barely audible... It was... A purr? Jay quickly turned and entered the bedroom, ready to kill on sight if anybody had hurt his Lunchbox. Instead, Jay was treated to a frighteningly intriguing display... There, on the bed, which was surrounded on all tables by black candles, lay Bob, on his stomach, facing Jay and grinning smugly. The sheets on the bed were silk and satin, and rose petals and feathers lay strewn around. Here's the kicker: He was wearing nothing but a kilt, and had his hair tied back in a loose ponytail. A few locks fell foreward in front of his ears. Jay raised an eyebrow, then grinned. "What's this, here?" *** Quaa, I was inspired by the Bob-In-Drag discussion, so I decided to do the next best thing. A manly kilt! *snerk* I was gonna write it as a dress, but *snerk*. I'm sorry, but I just can't write Bob being sexy in a dress. hehehe