Title: Makeup Author: Kelandris the Mad Fandom: View Askewniverse Pairing: Jay/Silent Bob Rating: Songfic. R for language, that's about it. Implications of gay sex, but for once, no actual smut. Status: New Archive: Drop me a note and it's yours. And on that note... Feedback: kel@crazysheep.net Series/Sequels: One-shot. Though it's sort of a sequel to "Don't Dream It' by our very own goblinbrodie. I confess, I just needed something easy to grab and write up, and I had this songfic slated for *something*... Disclaimers: All parts of my fannish being are enriched by the presence of Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Jason Lee, Ben Affleck, and all the merry characters at View Askew Productions (including their current master, Miramax,) save for that pesky financial part of my being, which receives no compensation whatsoever for these tawdry little tales. Notes: Had to write something happy after... after... something I'm not going to talk about. Summary: Jay gets dressed to impress. Warnings: Makeup on boys. Homoerotic allusions. Language. "Makeup" by Kelandris *your face when sleeping is sublime and then you open your eyes* Jay was standing in the bathroom when Bob came in. The door was slightly open but Bob hadn't looked over yet. He put the groceries in the kitchen, shuffled the freezer stuff into the freezer, the rest of everything into the fridge or the cupboards. He grabbed two beers from the six-pack, twisting off the caps and bringing the bottles into the bathroom. He stopped dead. "What?" Jay said. "Like you've never seen this before." **Didn't think I'd be seeing it again,** he thought, struggling not to smile. He remembered the last time he had, and how that night had ended. Then the smile died a bit, because that hadn't happened since. And Jay had gone to the next few Rocky nights alone. Hmm. Quietly, he handed him a beer, leaning against the door frame. *then comes pancake factor number one eyeliner, rose hips and lip gloss, such fun you're a slick little girl, you're a slick little girl* Jay had outdone himself this time. He wore not black but *purple* fishnets, where the hell had he found purple fishnets? The garter belt was also purple, trimmed in black lace. It framed a... oh, you bastard, thought Bob... gleaming pair of gold thong underwear. Bob blinked. **Remember, breathe every so often or you'll fall over.** Right. *rouge and coloring, incense and ice perfume and kisses, oh, it's all so nice you're a slick little girl, you're a slick little girl* His eyes kept falling to the bulge in the gold lame', but he inhaled, valiantly moving his eyes upward. This was not the comfort it should have been. Jay had found a corset, sized to his long torso, that fit him like it had been custom-made. Purple satin gleamed under the bathroom lights, the edges trimmed in the same black lace, and it was strapless. Jay had applied some sort of glitter to his shoulders and chest; they looked like they were lightly powdered with gold dust. "Like what you see?" Jay said, applying smoky grey eyeshadow to his eyes. He pursed his lips, lifting the lipstick and rolling it up. *now we're coming out of our closets out on the streets, yeah, we're coming out* Bob closed his eyes, breathing hard. Why had he wondered? Purple. Dark, glossy, gleaming purple. *when you're in bed it's wonderful it'd be so nice to fall in love when you get dressed I really get my fill people say that it's impossible* Jay stepped back from the mirror, looking critically at his face. This time, the makeup had been applied by a much surer hand. What, he'd gone to someone for advice? Man, Bob could just imagine *that* conversation... Then, thinking on how Jay's conversations usually went with girls, he carefully turned his mind away from the thought. *gowns lovely made out of lace and all the things that you do to your face you're a slick little girl, you're a slick little girl* Jay twirled an eyelining pen in one hand, watching Bob through the mirror. "Oh, you're just all kindsa bothered over this, huh?" he whispered. Bob turned his attention from what Jay was doing around his eyes to what Jay had just said. "What?" he blurted. "I mean, um...What?" *eyeliner, whitener then color the eyes yellow and green, oh, what a surprise you're a slick little girl, oh, you're such a slick little girl* Jay turned from the mirror finally, posing, looking at him from those smoke-shadowed eyes. Slowly, watching Bob's face, he pulled up purple satin gloves trimmed in black marabou feathers around the tops. He crossed his arms slowly, and jutted one hip out at a precise angle. Bob swallowed. Was it hot in here? He looked down at the beer in his hand and took a careful sip. "It's not that easy," Jay said, grinning. He stepped forward, hips rolling luxuriously. Bob almost fell down. Then Jay was standing next to him, nearly pressed against him, and still smiling. "Kiss me." "Urr?" Great, now he couldn't even form words. And people wondered why he didn't talk. "Kiss me, you dumb bitch. Or do I have to make the invitation even more obvious for your sorry ass?" Blinking, he leaned forward, brushing his lips against the blond's. The lipstick was flavored. Grape, he should have seen it coming. But Jay just shook his head. "Chicken. *Kiss* me, dumbshit. Don't just *peck* me to death." And he grabbed Bob's head, pulling him close, and kissing him passionately. Bob moaned, sliding back against the wall, and his knees were giving out, and Jay was laughing at him, and still *kissing* him, dear God, where did he find the *oxygen*, and he was on the floor now, and Jay was stretching him out, half on tile, half on carpet, grinding that gold lame' strap against his sweats and still *kissing* him...His vision blurred, indistinct, but he never let go. Never let go. *now we're coming out, out of our closets out on the streets, yes, we're coming out yeah, we're coming out* Some immeasurable time later, he blinked, realizing they'd moved to the bed at some point. He remembered sweaty limbs tangling and the incredible things Jay had done with his mouth and laughed quietly. Then he remembered. The outfit. The makeup. Rocky. "Hey." Jay rolled over, looking at him. "Yeah?" "We didn't make the show." Jay smiled, an expression of pure mischief on his face. He propped his head up on one hand. "What show?" **Oh, you bastard,** thought Bob. END (Song is Lou Reed's "Make Up") ***** Kelandris the Mad one for the tinkerman and one for the sea, and one for the little girl far from me