Title: Missing Pieces Author: Kelandris the Mad Fandom: View Askewniverse, general Pairing: Jay/Silent Bob Rating: PG-13 for language. Nice little smarm piece. Status: New Archive: You must send an email to me and let me know where you intend to archive. Private archiving allowed as long as you don't intend to publish. Behave. Email address for feedback: kel@crazysheep.net Series/Sequel: Should be a one-shot, but I don't assume anything anymore. Disclaimers: All characters belong to Kevin Smith and the View Askewniverse. If I really get into this, I probably will too. Or at least go into hock when I walk into a video store, go into rut, and buy all the DVDs at once. Notes: Bored bored bored waiting for my aunt and cousin to circulate through the Pike Place Market and trip out to Kirkland to pick me up. Plus I'm cold. That's about all it took. :> Outline: Bob finally figures out what's been bugging Jay recently. "Missing Pieces" by Kelandris "Fuckin' Steve... Man, I find out where he is, I'm gonna mess him up, I swear..." Jay blew on his hands to warm them, jumping in place as he looked down the alley one more time. Silent Bob, warm enough in black leather and sweats, looked the question at him, exhaling smoke out of the corner of his mouth. "Shit, man, I'll be fine, it's just Steve... what the hell is so fucking important we have to come out on the coldest fucking day of the coldest fucking winter I can remember... Shit, it's just annoying, is all." He blew on his hands again and Bob sighed, grinding out the half- smoked cigarette and walking over to where Jay stood, shivering as he glared down the alley. Jay had been beyond jumpy lately, twitchier than his normal twitchy self. Usually wouldn't meet Bob's eyes, showered with the door closed, ate out a lot... These past four months Jay hadn't even come into his room late at night, complaining of nightmares. Bob thought back; had he done something, said something? Not said something? Anything was possible, but he didn't think they could live together five years already and have this last year break them. Unless Jay was gearing up to leave... Without speaking, he reached out, listening to the tirade against Steve go on and on. Softly, he picked up Jay's hands, holding them in his own, raising them to his mouth where he softly, slowly blew on them, making sure each heated exhalation covered the thin, trembling hands he held in his. He noted distantly the tirade had stopped, and looked up in the act of turning Jay's hands over. Jay's eyes were wide, wider than Bob could remember ever seeing them. The pupils were so dilated, Jay's eyes looked more black than blue. The only other times he could remember Jay's eyes looking that way was when they were both stoned. Interesting, Bob thought, then went back to warming Jay's hands, now concentrating the hot puffs of air over Jay's palms as he opened his hands, bringing first one, then the other to his mouth. After a few seconds of hearing only his breathing, he looked up at Jay again. Convulsively, Jay inhaled, swallowing. "Sorry," he mumbled, pulling his hands away. Implacably, Bob's hands followed, capturing them and pulling them back. "Not warm yet," he said softly, then watched as Jay pulled them away again and stepped back, shaking his head. "Dude, *trust* me, I'm warm enough, okay? I am plenty fucking warm. In fact--" Then Jay suddenly blushed, turning away, and Bob looked at his back quizzically. Tapping out another cigarette, he mentally reviewed his actions: friend cold, friend needs help staying warm, I helped friend stay... warm... Oh. He hid the smile that covered his face at that thought as Jay turned around, staring at him darkly. Flicking open his lighter, he lit a cigarette, then lit another one off the first. Another test seemed prudent, so he deliberately took the one he'd been holding between his lips and offered it to Jay. Jay gulped again, gaze fastened for a moment on his lips, then took the cig, taking a quick drag and turning away again. Bob leaned back against the alley wall, his mind busy for a moment filling in all the missing puzzle pieces over the last year. Jay's extremely odd behavior around him was explained, more than, and Bob sighed happily. Good. Now he didn't have to find a new roommate. And maybe, if he put the rest of the puzzle together properly, he'd gain a lover as well. That would be just about perfect. Taking another drag, he looked down the alley and walked the few steps forward it took to place him beside Jay. He tapped his shoulder, and when the boy whirled, he pointed down the alley. Jay's friend Steve was striding towards them, looking worried. "Thank God," Jay breathed, then started back when Bob gave him a measuring look. "I mean, it's about fucking time, I thought I was going to freeze my balls off! What the fuck were *you* thinking, Lunchbox??" Bob only smiled, rolling his eyes as expected. **If you only knew... And just wait, Jay my Jay, until I get you home...** Yes, indeed. Playing with Jay's head was going to be fun for a while, too. END ************