Title: The Path Of Blood: Broken Author: Luna "Tic" Vee Feedback: Druidess@msn.com Rating: This chapter is a hard PG-13 Pairing: Jay/Silent Bob Series/Sequel: 3 of 4 Warnings: Lots of blood here, murder, cursing God, suicidal tendencies, Jay torture, GoneBob, homicidal Jay, and overuse of ellipses Spoilers: None Archive: Sureness. Disclaimer: I own diddly squat. Jay and Silent Bob are property of Kevin Smith, View Askew, Miramax, and the Martians that live in Scott Mosier's left ear. Summary: Jay thinks he finds what he's been searching for all these years, but ends up with another print on his note. Actual murder in this chappy! Skip the part if yer queasy! Notes: Woohoo! Inspired by way too much Johnny The Homicidal Maniac lately. Oh how I love the thought of homicidal Jay. Don't worry, it'll have a happy ending... I hope. *** Midnight. The witching hour. When the moon is high in the sky and most normal folks are home, snug in their beds. When the lowlives and scum come out to peddle their chemicals and try to have some meaningless relations with one another. When all is nestled in the cool embrace of darkness, the moon shining down like a watchful eye on the face of the night. Long ago, he'd always heard people say that midnight was when the crazies came out... ...they'd never known they'd be so right. Screaming through the shadows at lightening speed, rain drenching the cold concrete, and his messy, slicked-back hair, the hunter stalked his prey. Darting between alleys and behind large objects, a tiger stalking, prowling, following his quarry, waiting for the moment to strike. But this prey was different. Much different. Short, heavy, dark- haired, pale skinned, armored with a leather trench coat and a random cap. Familiar look and way of carrying himself. Could he be? Could he be the one? He had to find out. So he stalked. Slinking around the corner, and further basking himself in shadow, a cat slithering after a mouse, the kill imminent, if it were the proper type of prey. A spectre, an angel of death, becoming one with the darkness, joining the shadows in a sweet, morbid union. A swoop, two clicks, and the preditor is exposed, menacing and yet frail-looking, rail-thin, yet armed to the teeth, ready and willing to cause some damage. The tiger's quarry stepped backwards silently, his pale grey eyes widening to the size of saucers. Grey? Grey eyes? Bob didn't have grey eyes... Bob didn't have light eyes... This wasn't Bob... Jay screeched and swooped foreward, snatching the man by his lapels and screaming in his face. "Your eyes, they're grey... Your eyes are brown... But, they're grey... But Bob's are... You're not Bob! YOU'RE NOT BOB!" he cried, accusing the man, chasetising him for not being who he wanted. Snikt. Shing. Swipe. Jay unsheathed his scimitar in one swift movement and easily slashed a large gash in the man's throat. Blood gushed from the wound, splattering in Jay's face and everywhere else as well. He quickly let go and stepped back as the man thrashed and grabbed at his throat, gasping for air and trying to scream. Another quick swipe and his intestines spilled out. A nice hard plunge and his heart was pierced. The man fell limply to the ground as Jay pulled his knife out, taking some pieces of organs with it on the hook-like blade. Jay crouched down and reached into his boot, removing his well-worn note. Reading over it twice, he slowly dragged his hand through the pooling blood on the hard pavement, and left a thumbprint on the back of the note. Folding it up, Jay sighed and looked over the remains of the fallen man. "Too bad... It could've been you, too, Bob..." Tucking the note back into his boot, he wiped the scimitar off on the man's blood-soaked shirt, and sheathed it. "If only..." He took off into the night. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Sploosh. Plik. Plik. Plik. Rain pouring down, sending a haze over everything and everyone. Colours running together, making the world look beautiful, like an oil painting. Washing away all the pain and heartache, and more importantly, the blood staining his skin and clothing. The crimson splattered over his form. It was an inevitable complication of his line of `work'. But, a nessecary one. The scarlet esscence of life, that coursed through all. Except him. He long ago had lost faith in his ability to bleed. To feel. To be human any longer. Now he was a shadow. A spectre. Death embodied. "Death to the wicked!" Jay cackled, crossing his eyes and spinning on his toe, before returning to his fluid run through the streets and alleys. A couple hours later, at home, darkness looms like a preditor, ready to take Jay's head off if he lets his guard down for a moment. Half-devoured popsicle hanging from his soft lips. Silence deafening, swallowing all but the ambient crickets outside his broken window. Once again, sadness takes hold. Sadness, and guilt, and heartbreak, and regret, and the wish and need to just come to an end... ...and the unfulfilled wishes of the cold embrace... ...and the inability to do anything about it but weep. ***