Title: The Path Of Blood: Ripped Author: Luna "Tic" Vee Feedback: Druidess@msn.com Rating: This chapter is an R Pairing: Jay/Silent Bob Jay/scimitar Series/Sequel: 1 of (most likely) 4 Warnings: Lots of blood here, murder, cursing God, suicidal tendencies, Jay torture, GoneBob, homicidal Jay, and overuse of ellipses Spoilers: None Archive: Sureness. Disclaimer: I own diddly squat. Jay and Silent Bob are property of Kevin Smith, View Askew, Miramax, and the Martians that live in Scott Mosier's left ear. Summary: Bob left Jay. Jay goes insane. Jay becomes homicidal. Fresh from a slay, Jay goes over his post-kill tradition and memories swim. Notes: Woohoo! Inspired by way too much Johnny The Homicidal Maniac lately. Oh how I love the thought of homicidal Jay. Don't worry, it'll have a happy ending... I hope. *** "...but it became too much to bear. Everything you ever said to me... Barbs shredding my armour. I couldn't take it any longer. Taking such pain for so long...from the one you love. It's just inhuman. Please, Jay, if you have any shred of human in you, you'll listen to this. Learn to open up. Bring down your shields sometimes. Not everybody is out there to hurt you or rape your sweet ass. And it is sweet... I just hope that when you do find that special someone, you don't hurt them like you hurt me. I'm sorry Jay, I love you, and I'll miss you. I may see you again, I don't know. But I'll carry you in my heart forever. Goodbye. --Bob" Jay clutched the tattered and worn note in his cold hands. The note from so long ago. The blood stained, shredded, tear stained, old note. The only semblance of his beloved left. The only little momento he had left of the love he'd let slip away so long ago. He read it over and over. Three times at least. The page long goodbye note that his other half, his soulmate, his Bob, had left behind when he left him. Left him because he was too stupid and selfish to realize what he had right in front of his face. So many years ago... Jay stood over the bloody remains of some street punk, crimson staining his striped, monochrome shirt. He'd probably have to get a new one. As per usual with these types of struggles. New blood from this victim still wet on his hands, delicate shaking fingertips held the note which broke his heart and his mind. The delicate, old, blood stained shred of memory. Slow, salty tears slipped from Jay's well-worn tear ducts, washing a few droplets of red from his cheeks. His insomnia-reddened chocolate eyes closed slowly as he choked back memories, tears, and bile, all of which threatened to come flooding out. He bent his neck foreward in shame as he crouched down and ran his fingers through the now quite large puddle of blood around the street rat's body. He turned the note around, showing the fingerprints of old. Bloody fingerprints. Evidence of previous kills. He kept track on the note, somehow as if he were proving to Bob how much he meant to him. How many he'd slain just to show his dedication. Jay had always said he would kill for Bob. Now, he was. Jay pressed his middle finger to the paper in a blank spot, a thing of which he was running out of, and folded the still wet note up, placing it into his boot. Jay removed his scimitar from the fallen junkie. He placed the knife into its sheath on his hip, and crouched down, scanning the area for the quickest escape. His eyes darted back and forth, as he sniffed the blood and weed-scented air, as if to pick up the scent of any intruders that may come. Slowly, he crept, still half-crouched, into the nearest alley way, where he climbed the fire escape to the roof. From there it was a simple game of hop-scotch from rooftop to rooftop until he left the urban area... The edge of the burbs, somewhere between suburban closeness and rural distance. Jay's small shack stood there. House number 737. Sure, he had neighbors, but they weren't very nosy. One look at him and they learned to fear him and respect his privacy. So Jay was free to do what he wanted in him home... Stepping inside, Jay took in the scent of dried blood and incense. He noticed that he'd left his incense burning, and quickly tamped out the still-burning stick, through there wasn't much left to it. Jay had started to like incense, but only a certain kind. Peppermint. It reminded him vaguely of Bob. Christmas, when Bob was always, always sucking on a candy cane or something of the sort. Bob had always loved those damn things... It also reminded him of the one Christmas, with the mistletoe, and when he'd slapped Bob for trying to get a kiss from him... How sad and shocked and genuinely hurt Bob had looked while Jay cussed him out about being "some kind of fuckin' sick fag". And the tears started again... Click. Click. Click. Jay's metal-tipped boots made a clink with each step he took across the wooden floor. Headed for the kitchen to get himself a popsicle. A strawberry popsicle. Bob always loved that kind... The couch. The old, cushy, black beast that he and Bob had shared for so long. The couch they sat on every night to watch TV. The couch they slept on regularly. The couch they'd kissed on... Jay screamed and threw the finished popsicle stick aside, curling himself up into a little black and blue ball, his hair, previously in a ponytail for the night's activities, now loose, fell around him in deep blue waves, the semi-demi-long spikes atop tilting foreward a slight degree. Between heaving sobs from his small, extremely pale frame, came laughter. Deranged laughter. The kind of laughter you hear when walking by an asylum. Jay threw his head back and chortled loudly, arms still wrapped around his knees. "That's it, isn't it? YOU HATE ME, DON'T YOU? I WAS USELESS, AND I CUSSED TO YER FACE, SO YOU HATE ME, DON'T YOU?! WELL? WELL OH MIGHTY FUCKIN' ALL POWERFUL CUNTRAG?! DO YOU? IF YOU HATE ME SO MUCH, KILL ME AN' SEND ME TO HELL NOW! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! I DON'T CARE! JUST KILL ME AND GET IT OVER WITH!" Jay screamed upwards, presumably toward where he estimated Heaven to be. Jay whipped out his scimitar and held it to his wrist. "HERE, I'LL HELP YOU ALONG!" he screeched, pressing just lightly, ready to free his own essence from his lonely shell. "WELL? SHOW ME A SIGN! HAVE ONE OF YOUR DICKLESS FLYBOYS COME DOWN HERE AND STOP ME! Or do you really want me to..." Jay's voice pittered out into a quiet whisper as sobs shook his body. He cast his gaze down to his wrist, and the blade against it. "God dammit..." he sobbed out, as he dropped the scimitar and curled up again. "Every fuckin' time it's the same... Why can't I die?" he whispered to no one in particular. "It's because I'm too pathetic to die," he answered himself. *** Funfunfun. Haryuu No Hanekata, ~Luna "Tic" Vee