Title: They -- Out Of Jail Author: Luna "Tic" Vee Feedback: Is the best thing since sliced pants Archive: Sure! Just let me know, eh? Spoilers: Nope. Rating: PG-13 for lanuage. Pairing: Jay/Justice, unrequited (for the most part) Bob/Jay Sequels/Series: One shot. Disclaimer: I own diddly squat. Jay and Silent Bob are property of Kevin Smith, View Askew, Miramax, and the Martians that live in Scott Mosier's left ear. Notes: TMBG rules. I love them. This is to "Out Of Jail" (of course) from John Henry. More Notes: All hail Pants. *** *Long before the screen door slammed, she was out of Xenia A stranger could have loved that town but she had to leave I wish I'd gotten to know her before I fell in love* Jay sat there, as he had been doing since Justice got locked up in the slammer. He'd go to see her once a week, but for the most part, he'd just sit there. The same worn, broken look on his face, the same sad eyes. The poor lovesick fuck. Bob resented it. He resented Justice. He resented Jay's pining. He resented Jay. What right did that boy have to let out even ONE sigh over that criminal bimbo? He barely even knew her! Meanwhile, he'd been crying his eyes out over that blond fuck every day of his life for as long as he could remember. He muttered something inaudible and stormed out of the room. Jay barely registered it. Bob did that a lot lately. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Except Justice. She was the only thing that mattered to him. Why did she have to leave? Oh yeah... That whole "broke the law" thing. *I could say who's to blame, say who's the man in this cautionary tale But I swore I'd be true and I'll swear and I'll swear til Kitten's out of jail* `Fucking Justice! She had to go and steal those jewels, and cause all that trouble! Her and her fuckin' cronies! She's the reason I'm hurting!' Jay's mind screamed, rage building behind sadness. "No..." No was right. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault at all. If he hadn't fallen so hard, this wouldn't be such a problem. It was his fault. All his fault. "All my fault..." Jay squeezed his eyes tight shut, "No..." No was right. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't his fault at all. He couldn't help but fall so hard. She was a siren. She tempted him, and he couldn't resist. It was her fault. All her fault. "Her fault... My fault," Jay mumbled, repeating the string of words which took up most of his vocal time lately. *It was like a TV show, the way she stole that car* Jay's mind thought back to their adventure, when they met, seeing tire tracks in the road but thinking nothing of it, once he saw that van explode. It was unreal. Like a movie. Like a bad TV show. Like fantasy. *Easy now to criticize. Easy now to talk* Pain welled up inside him. He half wished that Justice *had* been in that explosion. He went through the hurt once before, and it didn't linger, because he knew her even less. But now, now, it hurt so much more. She wasn't dead. That was the worst part. That he had to wait for something wonderful. And he knew her what small amount more. He knew her more. He had more reason to mourn. *I thought my luck was changing I guess I was wrong Didn't want to be a slave Just turned out that way* Loss. He always lost everything good and decent in his life. His dad. His dad was a good man. He really was. He would take him out to hockey games and stuff, always make him feel like he was worth something. Then he died. A car crash. Some stupid fuck driving a Dodge Dart of all things. Drunk off his ass. Coming the other way on the highway. Flipped the concrete barrier and landed right on top of him. Both of them died. His mom. She was a good woman. Clean, smart, but then Dad died. She went to hell. Couldn't deal. Couldn't cope. Got on drugs. Shot everything known to man into herself. Sniffed anything she could get her face near. Turned into a two-dollar whore who didn't take care of him any. Died when he was fourteen. Overdose. What a surprise. And now Justice. She was in the cooler for God knows how long. The cycle continues. Everything good. Everything right. Goes wrong. Goes away. Leaves him starving and lonely and shivering in the night. And nobody to love him but... Bob. Bob was the only thing decent and steady in his life. A real friend. No. Not a friend. A soulmate. It was almost like they were meant to be together. He would be there to pick up the pieces. Always. *I wish I'd gotten to know her before I fell in love I could say she's to blame, say she's the man in this cautionary tale But I swore I'd be true and I'll swear and I'll swear til Kitten's out of jail* *** I can't believe I wrote a Jay/Justice. Don't worry. Justice won't prevail. hehehe We'll Meet At The End Of The Tour, ~Luna "Tic" Vee